Helpful Resources
NEW! Click here to see helpful videos on the scholarship and wage supplement application process.
ECECD Applications and Information:
- Scholarship Application
- Click here for directions to apply.
- Wage Supplement Application
- Bilingual Incentive Application
- Pre-K Pay Parity Application – application closed until August 2023
- Video Tutorials
Bilingual Certification Information:
- you may be eligible for a one-time payment of $1500 if you are certified bilingual.
- Click here to apply. You will need to upload a copy of one of these certification documents :
- passed La Prueba OR
- bilingual seal on High School Diploma OR
- Tribal/Pueblo/Nation Certification for indigenous languages
- Other document that reflects proficiency
Other Helpful Resources:
- Early Childhood Networks:
- Early Childhood Mentor Network
- Director Network
- Infant Toddler Network
- ECECD Professional Development Career Pathway Guide
- FAFSA – Application for Federal Student Aid
- NM Early Childhood Education and Care Department website
- NM Public Education Department (NMPED) website
- Praxis Testing Info
- Grow Your Own – Scholarship Information for K-12 Educational Assistants
- Opportunity Scholarship – financial assistance for students enrolled in 2-year credit-bearing Certificate or Associate Degree programs
- Teacher Preparation Affordability Scholarship – Scholarship information for teacher preparation programs
- La Prueba – NM Spanish Language Proficiency Exam
What documents will I need to submit for my scholarship application?
- Employment Verification:
- copy of your most recent paystub uploaded to your application
- Scholarship Verification: all documents uploaded to your application
- Copy of your most current degree plan in an approved area
- Copy of your schedule for the current semester
- Copy of your Student ID card/number
- Textbook Reimbursement:
- Copy of your itemized receipt which includes your full name, student ID number, and course information uploaded to your unique link
- CNM W9 Form emailed directly to [email protected]
- Note: If you wish to receive your reimbursement through direct deposit, you will be contacted to verify your bank information.
- Reimbursements are not paid until the semester ends.
What documents will I need to submit for my Wage Supplement or Pre-K Pay Parity application?
- Employment Verification:
- copy of your most recent paystub uploaded to your application
- letter from your supervisor with information on your job title, pay rate, ages of children your work with
- Education Verification:
- copy of your most current transcript showing earned credits and completed coursework and/or degrees
- W9 Form:
- CNM W9 Form emailed directly to [email protected]
- You only need to submit ONE W9 to CNM unless you change your name or address.
Links to Higher Education Institutions:
- Central New Mexico Community College
- Clovis Community College
- Dona Ana Community College
- Eastern New Mexico University
- Portales
- Roswell
- Ruidoso
- Luna Community College
- Mesalands Community College
- Navajo Technical University
- New Mexico Highlands University
- New Mexico Junior College
- New Mexico State University
- Alamo
- Grants
- Las Cruces
- Northern New Mexico College
- San Juan College
- Santa Fe Community College
- Southeast New Mexico College
- Southwest Indian Polytechnic Institute
- University of New Mexico
- Albuquerque
- Gallup
- Taos
- Valencia
- Western New Mexico University
Changes to Textbook Policy
- Beginning Fall 2022: Due to recent changes in the textbook policy, we will no longer authorize scholarship students to charge their textbooks to their student account at: Clovis Community College, Doña Ana Community College, ENMU-Ruidoso, NMSU-Alamogordo, and Western New Mexico University. Additionally, the ECECD Scholarship will no longer reimburse students directly for textbooks or e-books purchased online or at the campus bookstore for courses at these schools that have a per credit hour fee.
- These institutions now automatically charge a per credit hour textbook fee for all course-required textbooks. This fee is included on your tuition invoice and we will pay this fee when your school bills us.
- Please review your school’s textbook policy for instructions on how to access your textbooks.
Textbook Reimbursement Process:
- The ECECD Scholarship Program provides textbook assistance to students who are pursuing a Certificate, Associates, or Bachelor’s degree.
- 100% assistance for students pursuing a Certificate or Associates Degree.
- 100% (beginning FALL 2022) assistance for students pursuing a Bachelor’s Degree.
- Only purchases of textbooks for approved courses are authorized; scholar assumes responsibility for unauthorized purchases.
- We do not pay for expedited shipping charges.
- Once approved by the Scholarship Coach, students are able to charge their textbooks at their school’s bookstore. The bill for the books will be sent directly to the ECECD Scholarship Program.
- Students who purchase their books out-of pocket will need to:
- Upload an itemized receipt showing book title, cost, student name, and student ID number. Receipts should be uploaded to your unique upload account.
- Complete a CNM W9 form and email it directly to [email protected].
- Please click here to download a W9 form.
- If you have previously submitted a W9 form to CNM, you DO NOT need to submit a new one. You only need to send in a new W9 if your address, banking, or other information has changed.
- NOTE: If you wish to receive your reimbursement through direct deposit, you will be contacted to verify your bank information.
- Please be sure to check the Announcements and Deadlines page for the deadline to request reimbursement for textbooks.
- Reimbursements are not paid until after the deadline for reimbursements has passed:
- Summer deadline: July 31
- Fall deadline: October 31
- Spring deadline: March 31
- ECECD Applications and Information
- What documents will I need to submit for my scholarship application?
- What documents will I need to submit for my Wage Supplement or Pre-K Pay Parity application?
- Bilingual Certification Information
- Changes to Textbook Policy
- Textbook Reimbursement Process
- Links to Higher Education Institutions
- Other Helpful Resources
- Announcements and Deadlines
ECECD Applications and Information
- Scholarship Application
- Click here for directions to apply.
- Wage Supplement Application
- Bilingual Incentive Application
- Pre-K Pay Parity Application
- Head Start Pay Parity Application
- Infant Toddler Pay Parity Program (includes Early Head Start)
- Video Tutorials
What documents will I need to submit for my scholarship application?
- Employment Verification:
- copy of your most recent paystub uploaded to your application
- letter from your supervisor with information on your job title, pay rate, ages of children you work with
- Scholarship Verification: all documents uploaded to your application
- Copy of your most current degree plan in an approved area
- Copy of your schedule for the current semester
- Copy of your Student ID card/number
- Textbook Reimbursement:
- Copy of your itemized receipt which includes your full name, student ID number, and course information uploaded to your unique link
- Reimbursements are not paid until the semester ends.
What documents will I need to submit for my Wage Supplement or Pay Parity application?
- Employment Verification:
- copy of your most recent paystub uploaded to your application
- letter from your supervisor with information on your job title, pay rate, ages of children your work with
- Individuals applying for Infant Toddler Pay Parity will also need to upload information showing at least one child ages 6 weeks – 12 months is enrolled in the Childcare Assistance Program
- Education Verification:
- copy of your most current transcript showing earned credits and completed coursework and/or degrees
- W9 Form:
- You must have a CNM W9 form on file with CNM before any payments can be issued. The Program Team will contact you if we need your W9 or to verify if your information on file is current.
Bilingual Certification Information
- you may be eligible for a one-time payment of $1500 if you are certified bilingual.
- Click here to apply. You will need to upload a copy of one of these certification documents :
- passed La Prueba OR
- bilingual seal on High School Diploma OR
- Tribal/Pueblo/Nation Certification for indigenous languages
- Other document that reflects proficiency
Changes to Textbook Policy
- Beginning Fall 2022: Due to recent changes in the textbook policy, we will no longer authorize scholarship students to charge their textbooks to their student account at: Clovis Community College, Doña Ana Community College, ENMU-Ruidoso, NMSU-Alamogordo, and Western New Mexico University. Additionally, the ECECD Scholarship will no longer reimburse students directly for textbooks or e-books purchased online or at the campus bookstore for courses at these schools that have a per credit hour fee.
- These institutions now automatically charge a per credit hour textbook fee for all course-required textbooks. This fee is included on your tuition invoice and we will pay this fee when your school bills us.
- Please review your school’s textbook policy for instructions on how to access your textbooks.
Textbook Reimbursement Process
- The ECECD Scholarship Program provides textbook assistance to students who are pursuing a Certificate, Associates, or Bachelor’s degree.
- 100% assistance for students pursuing a Certificate or Associates Degree.
- 100% (beginning FALL 2022) assistance for students pursuing a Bachelor’s Degree.
- Only purchases of textbooks for approved courses are authorized; scholar assumes responsibility for unauthorized purchases.
- We do not pay for expedited shipping charges.
- Once approved by the Scholarship Coach, students are able to charge their textbooks at their school’s bookstore. The bill for the books will be sent directly to the ECECD Scholarship Program.
- Students who purchase their books out-of pocket will need to:
- Upload an itemized receipt showing book title, cost, student name, and student ID number. Receipts should be uploaded to your unique upload account.
- Please be sure to check the Announcements and Deadlines page for the deadline to request reimbursement for textbooks.
- Reimbursements are not paid until after the deadline for reimbursements has passed:
- Summer deadline: July 31
- Fall deadline: October 31
- Spring deadline: March 3
Click here to watch our video about textbook reimbursements.
Links to Higher Education Institutions
Links to Higher Education Institutions:
- Central New Mexico Community College
- Clovis Community College
- Dona Ana Community College
- Eastern New Mexico University
- Portales
- Roswell
- Ruidoso
- Luna Community College
- Mesalands Community College
- Navajo Technical University
- New Mexico Highlands University
- New Mexico Junior College
- New Mexico State University
- Alamo
- Grants
- Las Cruces
- Northern New Mexico College
- San Juan College
- Santa Fe Community College
- Southeast New Mexico College
- Southwest Indian Polytechnic Institute
- University of New Mexico
- Albuquerque
- Gallup
- Taos
- Valencia
- Western New Mexico University
Other Helpful Resources
- Early Childhood Networks:
- Early Childhood Mentor Network
- Director Network
- Infant Toddler Network
- ECECD Professional Development Career Pathway Guide
- FAFSA – Application for Federal Student Aid
- NM Early Childhood Education and Care Department website
- NM Public Education Department (NMPED) website
- Praxis Testing Info
- Grow Your Own – Scholarship Information for K-12 Educational Assistants
- Opportunity Scholarship – financial assistance for students enrolled in 2-year credit-bearing Certificate or Associate Degree programs
- Teacher Preparation Affordability Scholarship – Scholarship information for teacher preparation programs
- La Prueba – NM Spanish Language Proficiency Exam