
Program Manager

505-224-4000 ext. 54531
Email Susan

For Students Seeking Review of “Not Awarded” Decisions

If you are a student who wishes to have a “Not Awarded” decision reviewed, please contact Susan.

Susan is the primary contact for the following students:

  • Clovis Community College
  • Luna Community College
  • Mesalands Community College
  • Navajo Tech University
  • Northern NM College
  • SIPI
Click here to schedule a virtual appointment with Susan.

Hello, my name is Susan, and I am excited to be working with you as your Scholarship Coach. I am also the Program Manager for ECECD. I have been an educator in my home state of New Mexico for the past 27 years, 19 of those in middle school, high school, and district administration. I hold a B.S. in Education, and a M.A. in Educational Administration. My experiences are diverse, but my focus is always on student success. It is my priority to assist you and answer your questions as you move along on your educational path, and support you as you reach your goal of earning your degree. In addition to my enthusiasm for education, I have another passion that occupies my time, and that is my love of animals. I am an animal advocate, and my husband and I have a little zoo of our own at home, with our kitties Lily, Charlie and Jett, and Lola, our 5-pound teacup poodle.

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505-224-4000 ext. 54875
Email Hannah

Hannah is the primary contact for the following students:

  • NM Junior College
  • NMSU – all branches except DACC
  • SE New Mexico College
  • San Juan College
  • Santa Fe Community College
Click here to schedule a virtual appointment with Hannah.

Hello! My name is Hannah. I was born and raised right here in New Mexico, and I have lived here, happily, for my whole life. I graduated from New Mexico State University with my bachelor’s degree, and I received my Alternative Teaching License from Central New Mexico Community College. I have worked in education for 7 years as an Educational Assistant and a Teacher of kindergarten, first, and fifth grade. Education has always been a passion of mine, so I am thrilled to be able to support the Early Childhood Educators of our beautiful state with our scholarship and pay incentive programs in any way I can. In my free time I love to crochet, read, cook, and spend time with my kitty, Leo.

Placeholder image for Heather



505-224-4000 ext. 54760
Email Heather

Heather is the primary contact for the following students:

  • CNM (N-Z)
  • NM Highlands University
Click here to schedule a virtual appointment with Heather.

Hello, I am Heather, a graduate of New Mexico State University, where I earned my bachelor’s degree. My studies focused on Early Childhood Education and Information and Communication Technology. I have previous experience as a preschool teacher, which has given me a deep understanding of the crucial role early education plays in shaping our society’s future. I am here to offer my support when needed. During my free time I like to draw animal portraits, take care of my cat, and spend time with myFamily.

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505-224-4000 ext. 54643
Email Leroy

Leroy is the primary contact for the following students:

  • CNM (A-H)
  • ENMU – all branches
  • UNM – all branches
Click here to schedule a virtual appointment with Leroy.

My name is Leroy and I was born and raised in Albuquerque, New Mexico.  I started my career working with CampFire USA and the YMCA of Central New Mexico recreation programs with children ages 5-15. I completed my Bachelor’s degree in Social Work from New Mexico Highlands University.  After completing my degree, I worked as an investigator for child protective services in Roswell, New Mexico for a year.  I returned home to work with Molina Healthcare for several years completing health risk assessments both on the phone and in person at various high risk locations to find members who were hard to locate in Albuquerque. My focus has always been to build strong community connections through partnerships, collaborations, and community outreach. As a Scholarship Coach for the ECECD Program, I am excited to give back to the community I have served in a different capacity. As an alumni of CNM, I remember the day to day struggle. I look forward to helping students achieve their goals and be a part of their educational journey.

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505-224-4000 ext. 54978
Email Rin

Rin is the primary contact for the following students:

  • CNM (I-M)
Click here to schedule a virtual appointment with Rin.

Hello, my name is Rin, and I look forward to working with you as your Scholarship Coach. I was born and raised in Albuquerque, NM. I studied psychology at both CNM and UNM and graduated with my B.A. in Psychology in 2017. Soon after graduating, I began working as a case manager – Initially at First Nations Community Healthsource, where the population is primarily those struggling with houselessness; and then with UNM Hospital, where I worked with individuals struggling with mental health. I am now studying to get an A.S. in Biology at CNM. During my first round in college, I had to work full time while studying full time, and I work and study at the same time now, so I understand exactly how difficult this can be. When I’m not busy with work or school, I love to grow food using regenerative techniques. I also like to go on hikes with my dogs – Lunita and Kona.

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505-224-4000 ext. 54876
Email Shannon

Shannon is the primary contact for the following students:

  • Dona Ana Community College
  • Western NM University
Click here to schedule a virtual appointment with Shannon.

Hello, I’m Shannon, proudly rooted in Albuquerque, New Mexico. With 30 years spent teaching high school German and English in our local schools, education has always been my passion. Now, as an ECECD Scholarship Coach, my aim is to connect with students and offer unwavering support as they dive into Early Childhood Education. I’m excited about the opportunity to support aspiring educators in their journey. Outside of work, I find joy in yoga, board games, enjoying local cuisine and hanging out with my two beloved cats, Pablo and Pumpkin Spiced Latte.

Find your Coach:

Central New Mexico Community College:
  • Your last name begins with the letter A-E  — Your Coach is Leroy
  • Your last name begins with the letter F-P  —Your Coach is Rin
  • Your last name begins with the letter Q-Z  —Your Coach is Heather
Clovis Community College:
  • Your Coach is Susan
Dona Ana Community College:
  • Your coach is Rin
Eastern New Mexico University – all branches:
  • Your coach is Leroy
Luna Community College:
  • Your coach is Susan
Mesalands Community College:
  • Your coach is Susan
Navajo Technical University:
  • Your coach is Susan
New Mexico Highlands University:
  • Your coach is Heather 
New Mexico Junior College:
  • Your coach is Hannah
New Mexico State University – all branches except DACC:
  • Your coach is Hannah
Northern New Mexico College:
  • Your coach is Susan
San Juan College:
  • Your coach is Shannon
Santa Fe Community College:
  • Your coach is Hannah
SIPI – Southwestern Indian Polytechnic Institute:
  • Your coach is Susan
Southeast New Mexico College:
    • Your coach is Hannah
 University of New Mexico – all branches:
  • Your coach is Leroy
Western New Mexico University:
  • Your coach is Shannon

Find Your Coach

SchoolCoachContact Info
Central New Mexico Community CollegeYour last name begins with the letter A-E – Your Coach is LeroyEmail Leroy
Virtual Calendar
505-224-4000 ext. 54643
Your last name begins with the letter F-P – Your Coach is RinEmail Rin
Virtual Calendar
505-224-4000 ext. 54978
Your last name begins with the letter Q-Z – Your Coach is HeatherEmail Heather
Virtual Calendar
505-224-4000 ext. 54760
Clovis Community CollegeYour Coach is SusanEmail Susan
Virtual Calendar
505-224-4000 ext. 54531
Dona Ana Community CollegeYour coach is RinEmail Rin
Virtual Calendar
505-224-4000 ext. 54978
Eastern New Mexico University – all branchesYour coach is LeroyEmail Leroy
Virtual Calendar
505-224-4000 ext. 54643
Luna Community CollegeYour coach is SusanEmail Susan
Virtual Calendar
505-224-4000 ext. 54531
Mesalands Community CollegeYour coach is SusanEmail Susan
Virtual Calendar
505-224-4000 ext. 54531
Navajo Technical UniversityYour coach is SusanEmail Susan
Virtual Calendar
505-224-4000 ext. 54531
New Mexico Highlands UniversityYour coach is HeatherEmail Heather
Virtual Calendar
505-224-4000 ext. 54760
New Mexico Junior CollegeYour coach is HannahEmail Hannah
Virtual Calendar
505-224-4000 ext. 54875
New Mexico State University – all branches except DACCYour coach is HannahEmail Hannah
Virtual Calendar
505-224-4000 ext. 54875
Northern New Mexico CollegeYour coach is SusanEmail
Virtual Calendar
505-224-4000 ext. 54531
San Juan CollegeYour coach is ShannonEmail
Virtual Meeting
505-224-4000 ext. 54876
Santa Fe Community CollegeYour coach is HannahEmail Hannah
Virtual Calendar
505-224-4000 ext. 54875
SIPI – Southwestern Indian Polytechnic InstituteYour coach is SusanEmail Susan
Virtual Calendar
505-224-4000 ext. 54531
Southeast New Mexico CollegeYour coach is HannahEmail Hannah
Virtual Calendar
505-224-4000 ext. 54875
University of New Mexico – all branchesYour coach is LeroyEmail Leroy
Virtual Calendar
505-224-4000 ext. 54643
Western New Mexico UniversityYour coach is ShannonEmail Shannon
Virtual Meeting
505-224-4000 ext. 54876

Find Your Coach

SchoolCoachContact Info
Central New Mexico Community CollegeYour last name begins with the letter A-H – Your Coach is LeroyEmail Leroy
Virtual Calendar
505-224-4000 ext. 54643
Your last name begins with the letter I-M – Your Coach is RinEmail Rin
Virtual Calendar
505-224-4000 ext. 54978
Your last name begins with the letter N-Z – Your Coach is HeatherEmail Heather
Virtual Calendar
505-224-4000 ext. 54760
Clovis Community CollegeYour Coach is SusanEmail Susan
Virtual Calendar
505-224-4000 ext. 54531
Dona Ana Community CollegeYour coach is ShannonEmail Shannon
Virtual Meeting
505-224-4000 ext. 54876
Eastern New Mexico University – all branches
Roswell | Portales | Ruidoso
Your coach is LeroyEmail Leroy
Virtual Calendar
505-224-4000 ext. 54643
Luna Community CollegeYour coach is SusanEmail Susan
Virtual Calendar
505-224-4000 ext. 54531
Mesalands Community CollegeYour coach is SusanEmail Susan
Virtual Calendar
505-224-4000 ext. 54531
Navajo Technical UniversityYour coach is SusanEmail Susan
Virtual Calendar
505-224-4000 ext. 54531
New Mexico Highlands UniversityYour coach is HeatherEmail Heather
Virtual Calendar
505-224-4000 ext. 54760
New Mexico Junior CollegeYour coach is HannahEmail Hannah
Virtual Calendar
505-224-4000 ext. 54875
New Mexico State University – all branches except DACCYour coach is HannahEmail Hannah
Virtual Calendar
505-224-4000 ext. 54875
Northern New Mexico CollegeYour coach is SusanEmail Susan
Virtual Calendar
505-224-4000 ext. 54531
San Juan CollegeYour coach is HannahEmail Hannah
Virtual Calendar
505-224-4000 ext. 54875
Santa Fe Community CollegeYour coach is HannahEmail Hannah
Virtual Calendar
505-224-4000 ext. 54875
SIPI – Southwestern Indian Polytechnic InstituteYour coach is SusanEmail Susan
Virtual Calendar
505-224-4000 ext. 54531
Southeast New Mexico CollegeYour coach is HannahEmail Hannah
Virtual Calendar
505-224-4000 ext. 54875
University of New Mexico – all branchesYour coach is LeroyEmail Leroy
Virtual Calendar
505-224-4000 ext. 54643
Western New Mexico UniversityYour coach is ShannonEmail Shannon
Virtual Meeting
505-224-4000 ext. 54876

Veronica Archuleta

505-224-4000 ext. 54642 | [email protected]

Click here to schedule a virtual appointment with Veronica.

Isaac Banegas

505-224-4000 ext. 54652 | [email protected]

Click here to schedule a virtual appointment with Isaac.

Leroy Garcia

505-224-4000 ext. 54643 | [email protected]

Click here to schedule a virtual appointment with Leroy.

Kyle Helland

505-224-4000 ext. 54523 | [email protected]

Click here to schedule a virtual appointment with Kyle.

Olyvia Lee

505-224-4000 ext. 54532 | [email protected]

Click here to schedule a virtual appointment with Olyvia.

Susan Stanojevic

505-224-4000 ext. 54531 | [email protected]

Click here to schedule a virtual appointment with Susan.